Hello and Welcome to the Magnolia Forever Challenge Blog!
My name is Julie and I will be helping to Co-Ordinate the Blog as Valou has been very busy!
We are a little behind in our challenges so we will be having 2 Challenges over the next 15 Days: 1st - 15th December
Challenge #14 - Birthday
Challenge #15 - White on White and 1 Colour
To find #15 CLICK HERE
You will just need to make sure you enter the correct Inlinkz
Also some exciting news: We are having a DESIGN TEAM CALL Yay! I will add the details below!
This Challenge is #14 Birthday
Here are the stunning Design Team Cards by Team A to inspire you:
Now for the Design Team Call!
We are looking for:
- Around 6 new Team members to join our fun team.
- From any part of the World
- Love working with Magnolia" or " Hänglar " Rubber Stamps.
- Have great colouring skills.
- In any style (C&S, shabby, vintage, ...).
- You will need to create a project (card, home decoration) every 15 days.
- Being able to comment on the creations of the participants according to a number given.
- Happy, Friendly and Helpful.
- Have "Facebook" to be able to join our private DT group.
- An active Blog.
- Being able to make a commitment for a minimum of 6 months. More if you wish.
Si vous êtes intéressés, ajouter "DT" après votre nom dans le linky.
If you are interested, just add "DT" after your name in the linky.
If you are interested, just add "DT" after your name in the linky.
We cant wait to see your wonderful entries! 
Hugs Julie, Valou and the Team!xox
Superbes ces cartes, bises Nadine