lundi 8 décembre 2014

Reminder post for #14 Birthday, #15 White on White with One Colour and DT Call

Hello and Welcome to the Magnolia Forever Challenge Blog!

It is reminder time again!

That means you have one more week to enter our current challenge!

We are a little behind in our challenges so we are currently  holding 2 Challenges running until 15th December.


Challenge #14 - Birthday and DT CALL Information CLICK HERE


Challenge #15 - White on White and 1 Colour CLICK HERE

You will just need to make sure you enter the correct Inlinkz



Here are the stunning Design Team Reminder Cards by Team B to inspire you:


#14 Birthday Reminders 




Valou B 



#15 White on White and 1 Colour Reminders


 Lady Ann

 Valou B 




We cant wait to see all of your gorgeous entries!

Hugs Julie, Valou and the Team! xox

2 commentaires:

  1. De très jolies réas bravo les filles! Bises Nadine

  2. I love the cards by the design team. They are all beautiful and truly inspirational.
